Until I found this picture on HERE
It just an April's Fool of someone put a lot of effort to make an Earthbound Mix With Chrono Triggers.
Both games are mine favorites RPG of all times. So seeing this picture spark my brain and remember my youth when playing a game and imagine what it like if this game is like this not that.
Technology to say can make it feel so real that it should be really happen.
"So why not make it happen then?" my curious voice ask myself.
To make a game you need a lot of dedications not to mention if working by myself like me. To make thing worst gaming market to day make it harder to make your game visible to the market if you are not lucky.
I read THIS articles about gaming market of mobile device and feel like I'm hitting a wall.
I'm asking my self if I've to devote myself developing a game I like but end up sale it for only small amount is that still worth doing?
The answer is .... not sure.
But to somebody like me. This is the road that I take.
Wish me lucks then.